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My birthday’s coming up – Why chocolate cake’s off the table

Working from home has been good for my waist – but not nearly as much fun though as being in the office.

You see I’ve perfected the art of laying food guilt on my human colleagues and they know what’s expected when I come and lounge adoringly at their feet. Officially it’s frowned upon of course but I can be so darned cute if needs be.

Seriously though – although we can eat many of the foods humans eat, there are some foods that are definitely off the menu.

Unfortunately chocolate’s one of them. Tastes good, smells good but truth is at best it can make us very sick and at worst, kill us.

Apart from the fact it’s high in sugar, it also contains a couple of alkaloids that can be deadly to dogs.

Theobromine and caffeine make it toxic for us. They can make our hearts go wonky, causing tachycardia and cardiac arrythmia and alco cause diarrhoea and vomiting.

We can’t deal with those alkaloids the same way humans can.

Totally unfair but a cross we doggos must bear.

A birthday without chocolate cake means I’ll be here to celebrate again next year.