Daily Care
- GP visits
- Prescriptions
- Physiotherapy
- X-Ray
- Flu vax
GP consultations, treatments can be considered for reimbursement @ 60% to a maximum $500.00 per family per calendar year.
(Exclusions: admin fees, travel vaccinations and consultations, overseas treatments, immigration checks.)
Prescriptions - Medication prescribed by a registered GP can be considered for reimbursement @ 60% up to a maximum $500.00 per family per calendar year.
(Exclusions: admin/fax fee, non-prescribed over the counter purchases, Medico packs, travel medication)
Physiotherapy - Consultations and treatments performed by a registered Physiotherapist can be considered for reimbursement @ 60% to a maximum $400.00 per family per calendar year.
(Exclusions: physio supplies such as swiss ball, balance balls, tape etc)
X-Ray - Medical X-rays can be considered for reimbursement @ 60% to a maximum $350.00 per family per calendar year.
(Excludes: dental x-rays, chiropractic x-rays)

Specialist Care
Specialist Care includes:
- Consultations and treatments provided by a registered specialist/surgeon who is registered with the MCNZ (Medical Council of New Zealand).
You can be considered for reimbursement @ 60% to a maximum $2500 per family per calendar year.
Some commonly used specialists include - Dermatologist, Psychiatrist, Cardiologist, Neurologist, Gynaecologist, Obstetrician, General Surgeon, Anaesthetist.
Also included:
- Hospital charges - overnight hospital bed, surgical equipment
- Specialist scans - mole-map, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan, pregnancy scans
- Minor operations - vasectomy, punch biopsy, skin lesions, ingrown toenails
- Lab tests
(Excludes but is not limited to: breast reduction surgery, cosmetic surgery (Elective), fertility treatment, weight loss surgery, fentons repair, immigration testing, laser eye corrections, laser red vein treatment, obstetric DVD and post-natal accommodation, overseas treatments.)

Mental & Wellbeing
It’s all about you looking after yourself. Taking care of yourself is important and things included in this care package will make sure you're able to do that.
Mental Care - Includes consultations and treatments:
- Psychology
Your consultations and counselling can be considered for reimbursement @ 60% up to a maximum $400.00 per family per calendar year.
- Psychiatrist (Refer to Surgical/Specialist Benefit)
It’s all about you looking after yourself. Taking care of yourself is important and things included in this care package will make sure you're able to do that.
Wellbeing Care
Alternative Therapy - Includes the following consultations and treatments:
- Therapeutic massage
- Acupuncture
- Osteopath
- Chiropractor
- Podiatrist
- Dietician
- Audiologist
- Nutritionist
- Chinese medicine
Your consult/treatment can be considered for reimbursement @ a maximum $20.00 per visit to a total maximum of $300.00 per family per calendar year.
(Excludes: herbal remedies and ointments, unprescribed medication, needles, beauty massage, life coaching, chiropractic x-ray)

Top Up Care
Assisting with your excess
If you already have health insurance and have an excess on your policy, you may be considered for reimbursement based on the lesser of either 60% of the procedure cost or the excess amount.
This can’t exceed the limit of the benefit and only applies to eligible Marram healthcare benefits.
Oral Surgery excess is included in Marram’s Oral Surgery Benefit which has a maximum of $250 per tooth.
For example:
- If you’ve had knee replacement surgery costing at $5000 and been reimbursed $4500 by your insurer because you have a $500 excess on your policy, you can request reimbursement for the excess from Marram. This is because under the Specialist/Surgical Benefit, the excess in this case is less than 60% of the full cost of the operation. $500 is less than $3000 which is 60% of $5000.
- Or, if you’ve had a minor operation costing $700 and the insurer reimburses $200, you can request reimbursement from Marram for the outstanding $500. Marram will consider reimbursement, under the Specialist/Surgical Benefit, at 60% because the $500 is more than 60% of the full cost of the operation

Optical Care
Includes eye tests, lenses, frames, contact lenses and prescription sunglasses.
You can be considered for reimbursement @ 100% to a maximum $250.00 per person for a two year period.
The two year period starts from the date of the first receipt. (Example: Purchase date is 01/03/2021, the two year period will be 01/03/2021 - 01/03/2023)
If you can claim through your employer, please do this first, then include your payslip confirming how much your employer has contributed.
Online Purchases - Your online purchases can be considered for reimbursement. You'll need to provide us with a copy of your Optometrist prescription for glasses/contact lenses etc and this will need to match your purchase.
(Excludes: overseas purchases, online purchase from an overseas supplier, non-prescription sunglasses.)

Dental Care
Oral Surgery and Orthodontic treatment.
Oral Surgery - You can be considered for reimbursement for:
- Root Canal Treatment (Please make sure the tooth number is written on your invoice/receipt.)
- Extraction of impacted or unerupted wisdom teeth. (The dentist must confirm the wisdom tooth was impacted or unerupted)
- Abscess - Treatment of an abscess. (Excludes: removal of tooth due to abscess)
Reimbursement can be considered @ 60% of the expense to a maximum $250.00 per tooth/abscess, for a two year period from the treatment start date.
(Excludes: all other dentistry such as consultations, hygienist, fillings, crowns, dentures, tooth removal, periodontist treatment, overseas treatment, cone beam scan, x-rays)
Orthodontic - Teeth re-alignment. Treatment must be performed by a registered Orthodontist and can include:
- Braces
- Orthodontic plate
- Invisalign
Your reimbursement can be considered @ 60% up to a maximum $600.00 per person for the overall treatment.

Extra Care
Extra Care includes all other benefits Marram offers.
Hearing Aid - The purchase of hearing aids. You can be considered for reimbursement @ 100% to a maximum $400 per person per calendar year.
(Excludes: maintenance, repairs, batteries, subscriptions, hiring and leasing of hearing aids.)
Ambulance - Those requiring an ambulance can be considered for reimbursement @ a maximum of $50.00 per ambulance ride, with a maximum $250.00 per person per calendar year.
Medical Equipment - Those requiring a medical appliance can be considered for reimbursement @ 60% up to a maximum of $250.00 per family per calendar year. Things that be included under this benefit include:
- Epipen
- Orthotics
(Excludes: hireage of equipment)
Distance Treatment Grant - A one-off grant of $500.00 per person per calendar year for treatment outside the normal town of residence.
* To qualify for this grant the round trip must exceed 300km, and you must be in hospital/treatment provider's care for a minimum of 1 week
Terminal Illness Grant – A one-off grant of $1000.00 for the person diagnosed with a terminal illness.
* To qualify for this grant, please provide a letter from the GP/Specialist detailing the illness and that it’s been diagnosed as terminal.
Funeral Grant – A one off grant of $1000.00 to help with funeral expenses.
* Please provide a copy of the fully paid funeral directors invoice.
Convalescent Holiday Grant- You can apply for reimbursement of the cost of a Marram holiday when used to convalesce after an injury/illness/surgery.
You can be considered for reimbursement @ 100% up to a maximum of $375.00. The holiday must be a minimum of 4 nights in a Marram home.
* To qualify for this grant you need to have a minimum of 4 weeks off work and the holiday must be taken within 3 months of the injury/illness/surgery.

Holiday Care
Marram has over 145 homes available in amazing locations which can be booked up to 12 months ahead, with the exception of balloted periods.
Nightly bookings start at $65 per night and weekly bookings start from $250.00 depending on season and location.
Every home has a compulsory one-off clean fee or full service fee, which is automatically included in the price when you book.
Marram has 20 locations offering a pet friendly option.
- Whangarei
- Orewa
- Maraetai Beach
- Raglan
- Whangamata
- Ohope Beach
- Hastings
- Acacia Bay
- New Plymouth
- Palmerston North
- Paraparaumu
- Wellington South
- Picton
- Kaikoura
- Hanmer Springs
- Hokitika
- Lake Tekapo
- Cromwell
- Alexandra
- Dunedin