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Booking frustration – and how to avoid it.

We all know how frustrating it is to decide on a holiday location and then begin the booking process only to find the dates we want aren’t available.

Like everyone Marram hasn’t been immune to Covid pressure, and the post lockdown call to holiday in our own backyard.

But there are ways to avoid booking frustration – especially when booking a Marram home.


  • Marram people can book up to 12 months ahead. If you book today for next April, May and June, you’d be looking at 97%, 94% and 92% availability.
  • Marram takes the srtress out of advance booking with a 100% refund if a change in Covid alert levels means you can’t take the holiday.
  • Marram ballots high demand school holiday and Christmas periods to make it fairer for everyone booking at the busiest times of the year.
  • Marram is continuously working on adding to the holiday home stock. New developments at Queenstown and Wanaka, both very popular destinations are soon to be doubled.


However if you do like to ‘fly by the seat of your pants’ check out our last minute holiday home deals page and take a break somewhere you possibly never expected to go.


Some of the BEST holidays happen that way.