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How much exercise does your dog need?

Humans act like exercise is a chore.

What’s with that? I’m never happier than when I’m dragging one (a human) along on my leash.

I love nothing better than taking Muzza or one of my office colleagues out for a quick spin on a workday.

I race ahead, pulling them in my wake, then pull up short at every lamppost while I leave my calling card and check out who’s been there before me.

The next minute they’re urging me to get moving as if I’m interrupting a walk they're really enjoying.

The thing is dogs need regular daily exercise to stay happy, healthy, and socially connected.

Without it, we get bored, anxious, and naughty, and risk developing weight and health problems.

So, if you’re wondering how much and what sort of exercise your dog needs, I hope this link to the SPCA website helps.,important%20as%20running%20off%20lead.

Now, time to go and bark at my leash, I need me some fresh air.
